, const
(define block-local vars), function
in block scope
Destructuring: let {x, y} = pt; let [s, v, o] = triple();
(assuming let pt = {x:2, y:-5}
, for instance).
Parameter default values: function f(x, y=1, z=0) {⋯}
Rest: function g(i, j, ...r) { return r.slice(i, j); }
(instead of using arguments
like a madman).
Spread: let a = [0,1,2,3], o = new Something(...a);
. Also works in array
literals: [1, ...array, 4]
Shorthand object literals:
let one = 1; { one, func_one() {return 1;}, ['key ' + one]: 1 }
Fat arrow: (a) => a * a
is the same as
(function(a) { return a * a; }).bind(this)
Map, Set: let m = new Map(); m.set(key, value); m.has(key); m.get(key)
Also has .clear()
, .delete()
, .forEach()
, .keys()
Weak map: let map = new WeakMap()
Use it if you have circular references in it.
You also have new WeakSet()
Promise: new Promise((resolve, reject) => {…})
returns the promised value (or a new promise, to
chain them) in promise.then(value => {…})
.reject(new Error(…))
breaks the promise in
promise.then(…).then(…).catch(error => {…})
, Promise.reject(error)
.Promise.all(listOfPromises).then(listOfValues => …)
Promise.race(listOfPromises).then(valueThatResolvedFirst => …)
Proxies: let obj = new Proxy(proto, handler)
Long story short: ~ operator overloading with object-like elements.
(Can also catch all property accesses on an object.)
Generators: function* gen() { yield 1; yield 2; }
Actually, gen()
returns ~ an object with a next()
function property.
Iterators: for (var [key, val] of items(x)) { alert(key + ',' + val); }
Iterators can be generators or proxies.
Class syntax, with extends
, super
, and static
class Point extends Base {
constructor(x,y) {
this[px] = x, this[py] = y;
this.r = function() { return Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y); }
get x() { return this[px]; }
get y() { return this[py]; }
proto_r() { return Math.sqrt(this[px] * this[px] +
this[py] * this[py]); }
equals(p) { return this[px] === p[px] &&
this[py] === p[py]; }
Symbols generate unique inaccessible keys, useful in maps and classes (private members).
let a = Map();
let k = Symbol();
a.set(k, 'value');
// Here, we can get and reset 'value' as a.get(k).
// Here, a.get(k) is invalid, a.size is 1, but the key cannot be seen.
module math {
export function sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
export var pi = 3.141593;
import {sum, pi} from math;
Template strings: multiline, substitution-ready strings with extensibility.
`You are ${age} years old.`
let table = 'email', column = 'sender'
sql`SELECT count(*) FROM ${table}
WHERE ${table}.${column} LIKE '%\n%';`
// Implementation: function sql(portions, ...inlineParams) { portions[0] === 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' portions[1] === '\nWHERE ' portions[3] === " LIKE '%\n%';" // ← An actual newline! portions.raw[3] === " LIKE '%\n%';" // ← An escaped newline. inlineParams[0] === inlineParams[1] === 'email' inlineParams[2] === 'sender' }
Specification: http://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html
Proposals: http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:proposals
Thanks Brendan Eich, Allen Wirfs-Brock, Douglas Crockford, Mark Miller, Tom Van Cutsem, Alex Russell, and so many others.