What I Made On Year 2014
- http://Shields.io (The first commit was, in fact, a year ago)
- A syntax sheet converter Ace → CodeMirror
- Live AsciiDoc Editor (side-by-side)
- Node Canvas SVG support. Write your node code with a Canvas API, get SVG back out.
- http://TheFileTree.com passwords and program jail, although I keep those features hidden. This year, it will allow you to write LaTeX and get the PDF back from anywhere.
- Not My Territory, a game I design: I got its rules right. Now, to finish implementing it…
Otherwise, I got a diploma in engineering, got hired at https://www.capitainetrain.com, implemented comfort classes (a sub-division of travel classes for some trains), a card store page, invoices and a few other things.
It’s quite fun to no longer be tied to strange decisions and absurd, chronophage school projects.
I hope to do even bigger things this year, many being continuations on this year’s achievements, some (hopefully) being outstanding surprises.